A prototype of Project Exodus containing the game's core loop redesigned.

NOTE: One thing I failed to implement is the ability for the player to confirm/choose which path to traverse. My spaghetti code doesn't allow for me to do that easily. 

The purpose of this prototype was to simplify the game's design given the smaller window we have to develop this game and to address the "issue" Gaber and some other people had with the wait that occurs during Traversal.

The issues were addressed by making traversal more of a turn based affair. The player advances from one checkpoint to another. As they advance, they are guaranteed to fight between 1 to 3 battles. Once they arrive at the checkpoint, an event occurs. Following the event, a menu pops up that allows the player to choose to advance once again or make some preparations before advancing. 

This solution brings with it a couple more problems: 

1) The game is much shorter. Hopping from checkpoint to checkpoint doesn't take much time. This could be addressed by having more than just the one location in game but we'd need to create several maps. 

2) The player lacks agency during the actual traversal part. Since traversal acts more like the transition between the camp menu, battles and events it doesn't feel like a core system. I honestly don't care that much about this. I think given the time constraints on us, there's not much we can do about this unless we prove otherwise. 

3) We're still not sure if this is actually fun. The good news is that with something playable, we can begin to address this with playtesting.